grigoriy (grisha) pyotrovich chesnokov | ovcharka (shepherd)
he/him | 24 (†) | 6'6" | russian | straight cis man

The oldest and wisest member of the Mad Dogs gang, Grigoriy was Yulian’s critical and cynical right hand man. He was a role model and protector to many of the younger members, including Sasha and Feliks, and seemed to be the only one who genuinely cared about their well being. Having made many mistakes in his youth that landed him deep in the crime world, he was very outspoken against Yulian’s tendency to recruit young, vulnerable individuals, which caused a lot of tension within the group. His death, which occurred during a shootout with a rival gang, spelled the inevitable end to the Mad Dogs.

  • His nickname in the gang came from Yulian likening him to the powerful Caucasian Ovcharka. This is one of few dog breeds known for being able to fight off wolves.
  • Teen dad, his daughter was 5 years old at the time of his death. He lost custody over her due to his ex's justified concerns over his involvement in violent crime and gang activities.
  • Had extreme anger issues and was easy to set off. Considered this one of his worst vices.
  • The scar on his face was from a knife fight from when he was 17, near the start of his criminal career.