yulian ilyich kalashnikov | volk (wolf)
he/him | 32 | 6'0" | russian | straight cis man

A violent and dangerous narcissist, Yulian is a failed gang leader turned convicted murderer and junkie. He is the former leader of the Mad Dogs clan, where he frequently abused his position of power over younger members like Sasha and Feliks. This, combined with his deteriorating health from frequent drug use, led to the group falling apart, and Yulian was eventually arrested under multiple violent charges. Several years into a lifetime sentence, he was bribed out of prison by a powerful figure in exchange for information on Sasha's whereabouts. Regardless of whether freedom is what Yulian truly desires, he has his own reasons for wanting to find Sasha.

  • Compulsive liar and manipulator, convinced that he is a god amongst men who must reclaim his righteous power over others. Nine years in prison have only strengthened his delusions.
  • Had a rough upbringing, which is where his beleifs about the world stem from. Believes in a "dog eat dog" world and that success can only be achieved by stepping on other people.
  • Took Sasha under his wing due to seeing himself in him, but eventually began using him as a puppet and personal punching bag. Thinks he is personally responsible for Sasha's success in the criminal world.
  • Addicted to stimulants, particularly meth, and believes it unlocks his "true potential." Frequently high as shit.